TYTHE is now offering pro bono design strategy services on a rolling application basis. We encourage nonprofits, community-based organizations and small social ventures looking for support to apply. If selected, we will design a session based on the needs of your team: a two-hour capacity-building workshop or a two-hour strategy design session. Whether you are looking to reinvigorate your team, processes, or community engagement, we hope this opportunity will provide you with a strategy framework that can be reused in a variety of contexts.


Part of TYTHE’s mission is to integrate pro bono work into our portfolio on a regular basis. We are committed to sharing our expertise with our community and with those who can most significantly benefit from our services. Even a little bit of design and strategy expertise can provide the tools needed to help organizations creatively manage difficult challenges.


For our pro bono services, we will accept applications on a rolling basis, review the applications, and, based on the needs of the applicant, notify recipients to schedule a capacity-building workshop or strategic working session. If you do not meet the criteria for pro bono support at this time, we will notify you and encourage you to reapply. We typically select one project every two months.


For our pro bono services, we will accept applications on a rolling basis, review the applications, and, based on the needs of the applicant, notify recipients to schedule a capacity-building workshop or strategic working session. If you do not meet the criteria for pro bono support at this time, we will notify you and encourage you to reapply. We typically select one project every two months.


We select applicants according to their mission, current challenge, and the partnership’s potential for impact. Our goal is to help those in our community with the greatest need develop meaningful design strategies. We also consider how our offerings best align with the mission and challenge of each organization or venture to ensure we are able to ignite a significant and enduring impact.


To apply for a pro bono partnership with TYTHEdesign, submit your interest through our rolling application. 


Building the capacity of your staff through varied trainings like:

  • Techniques for participatory decision-making
  • Building facilitation skills
  • Human-Centered Design (a.k.a. Design Thinking)
  • Interactive activities for strategic planning
  • Arts and culture for community building


Codesigning outcomes in a strategy session such as:

  • A community needs assessment plan
  • Planning accessible public engagements
  • Creating opportunities for voice and choice in an afterschool curriculum
  • Building a robust public engagement plan
  • Planning an inclusive strategic planning process


These are just a starting point. What are your needs? Let us meet them.